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Website builder

Create a website with ease

Free domain name Build your site fast, with AI 24/7 live customer support
Rs.  559 /mo

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Website builder

Find the perfect website builder plan for you

Get your idea online risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

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Website builder with AI tools

Start selling online faster with AI

Describe your store and let Al build a high-converting storefront and product pages.
Upload product images to instantly generate descriptions and remove backgrounds.
Sell up to 500 products with 100+ payment methods and no hidden transaction fees.

Choose a website template that inspires you

Take advantage of 150 responsive, designer-made templates, suitable for businesses, eCommerce stores, portfolios, landing pages, blogs, and more.

PortfolioBusiness showcaseOnline storeBlogOther
PortfolioBusiness showcaseOnline storeBlogOther

Build a website your way

Effortlessly perfect your website with user-friendly, intuitive design tools.



Simply pick up the content you like, drag it where you want it, and drop it into place.

Use smart grid

Use smart grid

Keep everything perfectly aligned as you fine-tune your website.

Change colors & fonts

Change colors & fonts

Explore what truly captures the essence of your brand or project.

Customize elements

Customize elements

Rearrange elements to create the website you've always wanted.

Desktop and mobile editing

Desktop and mobile editing

Create, edit, and publish your website with ease on your chosen device.

Drive traffic that converts

Drive traffic that converts

Monetise your website with ease by displaying targeted ads.
Chat directly with your customers without switching between apps.
Track website data and make business decisions with confidence.

We’re here for you 24/7

Reach us on live chat or email, whichever you prefer.
No frustrating waiting times – we commit to resolving issues within a few minutes.
Our agents are fluent in 10+ global languages, so you can enjoy smooth communication.
We’re here for you 24/7
All-in-one solution

Start creating your website today. It’s easier than you think with Hostinger Website Builder.

Website builder FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about our website builder.

What is a website builder?

Why do I need to create a website?

How can I create my own website?

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Website?

How long does it take to build a website?

Can I create websites without coding knowledge?

What can Hostinger Website Builder do?

How do I add a custom domain to my site?

Is your online website maker good for small businesses?

Can I make a landing page with a website builder?

Can I build an online store?

Does Hostinger site builder make mobile-friendly websites?

How to make my new site seo-friendly?